FAQs for Course Providers


Do you have questions about the findcourses.co.uk's expansion and acquisition of hotcourses.com & floodlight.co.uk? Find answers below or get in touch.

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General Questions

What is the relationship between findcourses.co.uk and hotcourses.com and floodlight.co.uk?

findcourses.co.uk is the UK arm of EMG - Educations Media Group, which since 2009 has been helping individuals and companies find professional training and courses with education providers. We are partnered with the Independent and power their course search to reach a wider audience of course buyers.

From October 2019, findcourses.co.uk will be the new home of adult learning courses and content, and will take over the responsibility for the hundreds of thousands of users and the companies and institutions that advertise and list their courses on floodlight.co.uk and hotcourses.com.

Thanks to a recent tech investment, findcourses.co.uk will soon be an all-in-one adult education comparison site covering the whole of the UK as well as listing online courses from all over the world. Becoming the best resource on the web for finding professional, vocational and hobby courses fulfils our vision of helping everyone in the UK find the right education. In the coming months, we will be developing our site to best service people across the UK and abroad who want to take a course where ever they are on their learning journey.


What is the relationship between EMG and findcourses.co.uk?

findcourses.co.uk is the UK arm of EMG. Founded in 2001, EMG has pioneered 20 local brands spanning the entire education spectrum and works with over 4,000 education providers in 40 different countries across the world.

EMG help 30 million visitors across their sites every year find the right course for their needs. Their platform accelerates the growth of educational institutions by providing a one-stop-shop for promoting any type of course or degree programme, using targeted marketing to find the right students. EMG reaches out to students and professionals worldwide through its leading online services, comprehensive media partners, school visits and educational conferences and exhibitions. 

EMG has 170 employees working out of the global head office in Stockholm, and local offices in Copenhagen, Helsinki, Mannheim and Oslo. For more information, please visit www.educationsmediagroup.com


Is EMG GDPR compliant?

EMG - Educations Media Group works with over 4,000 schools and course providers and processes personal information for more than 3 million members every year. For EMG, working with personal data has always been at the core of our business, and we have been compliant well before the new EU GDPR regulations went into effect. Read more about EMG’s GDPR policy here.


Will hotcourses.com still be running?

The website www.hotcourses.com will no longer be active. All institute and course content will be moved to findcourses.co.uk and all traffic will be redirected to findcourses.co.uk for a period of two years. IDP Connect will however retain ownership of the brand hotcourses.com.


Will the floodlight.co.uk website still exist?

No, the Floodlight brand and domain ownership will move to EMG and its content will be moved and redirected to findcourses.co.uk for a period of two years. Findcourses.co.uk will build on the legacy of floodlight and look forward to providing their clients and users with a rounded service on findcourses.co.uk.


Who do I contact to find out more about this transition?

Tony Rush, our Sales Manager is available to help you transition over to findcourses.co.uk. Tony is best reached on tony@findcourses.co.uk and looks forward to working with you.

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I am a current hotcourses.com or floodlight.co.uk client

What will happen to my listing on hotcourses.com / floodlight.co.uk?

All institutes and courses that are currently published on hotcourses.com and floodlight.co.uk will soon be published on findcourses.co.uk. During September 2019 the team at findcourses.co.uk worked to transfer all course and institute content from hotcourses.com and floodlight.co.uk onto findcourses.co.uk. In October all traffic from hotcourses.com and floodlight.co.uk will be redirected to the same pages on findcourses.co.uk.

Over the coming weeks and months both IDP Connect and EMG will be working together to ensure the smooth transition of assets and communicating with clients and users directly on any changes that may impact them. 


Where can I see my courses?

If you currently have an institute and courses published on hotcourses.com and floodlight.co.uk, you will be able to see your institute and courses published on findcourses.co.uk from October onwards. If you would like to see a preview of your institute and courses on findcourses.co.uk before the launch date, please contact tony@findcourses.co.uk and we will arrange it for you.


What happens to my hotcourses.com / floodlight.co.uk tenancy contract or credits?

If you have an active account with hotcourses.com or floodlight.co.uk, an account manager from our team will be in touch with you in the coming weeks to talk with you about your contract, profile, and onboard you to findcourses.co.uk. We will be honoring your accounts and have worked with your account managers on hotcourses.com and floodlight.co.uk to get a good understanding of your agreement.

We’re looking forward to connecting the dots with you and will be scheduling in-depth conversations about your marketing objectives and how we can help. If you have a question about your contract, please contact Tony Rush, Sales Manager of findcourses.co.uk on tony@findcourses.co.uk


What has happened to my My IDP Connect account?

If you will no longer be a client of IDP Connect and would like further information regarding your account, please your account manager at IDP Connect.

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I am a former client of hotcourses.com or floodlight.co.uk

My courses are currently listed on findcourses.co.uk, what will happen to them?

In the first stage of our content transfer from hotcourses.com and floodlight.co.uk in September 2019, we have redirected and re-published all courses live at that point to findcourses.co.uk. In the future, we will contact institutes who no longer have an active contract to discuss advertising opportunities. Until you have an active contract, your courses will have a lowered position in search results and you will not have access to optimization services. The only call to action option will be a click-through to your institute’s homepage and your courses will not appear on our partner site with the Independent - courses.independent.co.uk.


How do I list my courses on findcourses.co.uk?

If you have advertised with hotcourses.com or floodlight.co.uk in the past, findcourses.co.uk would love to speak to you about how we can help you market your courses to all audience as we become the UK’s largest site for adult education.

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I am a current client of hotcourses.com or floodlight.co.uk and findcourses.co.uk

How will my account and listings be affected?

If you have an active account with hotcourses.com or floodlight.co.uk, and an active account with findcourses.co.uk, your account manager will be in touch with you in the coming weeks and you are welcome to reach out to talk with you about your contracts, profile, and discuss the merge. We will be honoring your accounts and have worked with your account managers on hotcourses.com and floodlight.co.uk to get a good understanding of your agreement.


Which contract will be valid for me?

Our sales manager, Tony Rush, will be in contact with all clients with active accounts on hotcourses.com or floodlight.co.uk to transfer purchased services to an equivalent model on findcourses.co.uk.

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Advertising on findcourses.co.uk

How can I get my courses on findcourses.co.uk?

If you would like to learn more about listing your courses, you can reach out to Tony Rush, our Sales Manager. Tony is best reached at tony@findcourses.co.uk and looks forward to working with you.


What kind of performance could I expect to see?

Volume varies depending on what segment of education your courses fall under, which target audience you’re looking to reach, how many courses you offer, and other factors that affect search volumes and conversion rates. If you’re interested in learning more, contact our UK sales manager Tony Rush who can help you learn how findcourses.co.uk can work for you.


How can I measure the performance of my profile with findcourses.co.uk?

We believe that tracking the ROI of your marketing spend is critical to a successful partnership on our platform. Depending on your capabilities, we can help you implement third-party pixel tracking solutions, integrations with your CRM, or UTM tracking. 


Can I provide my own tracking links for click-through traffic from findcourses.co.uk to my own profile?

Yes, you can provide your own URLs for your course pages. As a new client, you can provide these links at the time of publication. If you are an existing client of hotcourses.com or floodlight.co.uk, you can bring up this topic in your on-boarding call to findcourses.co.uk with Mara, our customer success manager.

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I've only been a findcourses.co.uk customer, how will this affect me?

What will happen to my courses?

Your institute and course pages will remain on site unchanged. The only change you might notice is a small switch to separate our professional, postgraduate, and apprenticeship training from our new segments. This will help course buyers navigate to the section of the site that best fits what they are looking for:

Screenshot of the training method filtering menu on findcourses.co.uk


Will my pricing change?

In the near future, we do not anticipate pricing changing for accounts on findcourses.co.uk. During our expansion, we are excited to take time to care for existing clients while launching into our new segments.


How can I target to the new wider audience of findcourses.co.uk?

If you are interested in using findcourses.co.uk to reach out to a new audience of course buyers, please contact your account manager to learn about new opportunities.

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