New content that Inspires, Helps, or Showcases development topics that helps our visitors make decisions along their buying journey.
“HELPFUL” – Google wants “to better ensure people see original, helpful content written by people, for people, in [their] search results.” That means that original articles offering true insight and go beyond the top line are considered better for SEO.
BUILDS AUTHORITY (for you and us) - writing is one way to establish you as a thought leader and expert in your field. Sharing expertise combats all the AI-written content both IRL and for Google.
BRAND AWARENESS – puts you and your brand top of mind for learners and gives them a reason to choose you versus a competitor
Traffic-relevant topics help boost both your authority as an expert and the site’s SEO authority. Ask your CSM or Account Manager for topic ideas.
Remember that generative-AI tools like ChatGPT don’t replace the human within the experience. Your experiential thoughts and insights are what put the helpful in “helpful content.”